Recent changes (updated 2025-03-24 00:29:02 UTC)
Dev builds located:
New and interesting worldgen structures
Core Library for EnderIO
DELETE configs when upgrading to 2.1.x or above! Dev builds here:
Adds in the aspect of eating villagers... or yourself
ArmorPlus is a mod based on exploration, killing, building, getting geared up, fight the bosses and explore the depths of your worlds
Stuff for vanilla-style automation
Allows users to invite friends without being an operator.
pre6 compatible with Forestry 3.4.0
Magical Flower mod
Adds in the aspect of eating villagers... or yourself
Create endless custom decorations using in game materials.
Now maintained by Vexatos
A lib mod for CTD mods.
Core mod for all DoubleDoorDevelopment mods!
Core Library for EnderIO
DELETE configs when upgrading to 2.1.x or above! Dev builds here:
Random "ender type" utilities
Companion to EnderIO tech.
A revival of the old 1.6.2 mod "Better Farming"
Allows tweaking explosions, like the item drop chance
Latest AE2 RV1 (stable) uses ExtraCell's RV1 version number on the page
Just a bunch of fairly useful things
Previously known as Real Stone Tools
Makes it so clay can spawn in the world like an ore
Adds a couple of new types of Forestry backpacks.
"Now works with the latest forge. ChickenBones"
Simple mod to fix the /help command
A fork of Waila with a rapid update cycle.
A hud replacement mod with movable hotbar, healthbar, etc..
Adds tiered metal chests that hold more items
Move items by scrolling with the mouse wheel
Core Library
View Items and Recipes
World-corrupting bug with AE2 fixed
New lumber axes that chop down connected wood.
Mekanism ore processing for a ton of modded ores
Memes in bottles
Test Dummies
Formerly known as BetterCraft
Dev builds:
Core Library
Automatic screenshots and motion for timelapses or other stuff
Builds can also be found here
Adds descrtiptions to Enchanted Items tooltips
Extends block ids to 31999, incompatable with fastcraft, and old saves
Dev builds available at
Dev builds located:
A library required by all OpenMods mods, Dev builds available at
Removes vanilla ore generation
Painted Biomes allows using image templates for the biome layout
Pokemobs for Minecraft, Adding Minecraft style Pokemon
Requires iChunUtil
A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions
Makes leaves despawn faster
A dependency created to use for TechReborn mods. Contains useful classes for modding.
New and interesting worldgen structures
RedFlux tools, blocks, teleporation system and dimension builder
Forge based implementation of the SpongeAPI. Adds a few optimizations to the base game for server-side management. Compatible with a majority of mods. Issues can be reported here:
Adds decorative and functional statues
SuperMiner - Making mining easier...
now with 100% more piggawatts
A remake of Gregtech 2.78 from Minecraft 1.4; requires RebornCore
Small informational mod for mod pack makers or mod devs
See KL's comment:
Make Battlegear 2 shields the Tinkerer way!
Mekanism-based Tinkers' Modifiers!
Fixes the derpyness of the dropped items from Paintings and Item Frames
Player-created useful worlds.
files from the master branch can be found here
An addon for an addon for a plugin so you can play modded Minecraft like a boss
Test Dummies